Friday, June 3, 2011

How often should you change wiper blades?

we change ours every time they start to break or if they are cracking and you can tell when they need to be changed because they with leave streaks on your windshield:)|||PRN|||When they are streaking too much, or are torn. It all depends on your climate, and how much they are used.|||as often as needed just hit the windsheild washers and see if they are leaving streaks if so change them.|||According to the radio every ground hog day.|||As needed, or every year, whatever...

I do as needed.

Best Wishes...

%26quot;/JOe|||Whenever they start leaving streaks.|||well, I have had my car for 2 1/2 years and I have not changed them yet~! I think I need to,though~!!!!!so, I would not be the one to ask~!lol~!|||I don%26#039;t go by time period, rather, I replace them when they stop wiping clean and streak free. Also, if they begin to make a lot of noise, it generally means the rubber is going bad. Don%26#039;t fix it if it ain%26#039;t broke...|||At least once per year in cold climates|||Everytime it doesn%26#039;t clean your windshield well ! But Jokes apart you should change it before every monsoon or when it starts giving bad results.|||twice a year spring/late fall!! but buy the best ones you can find!!|||when they stop cleaning the windshield.are they streaking?if they are,then clean them with alcohol.

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