Automotive Jobs For 15 Year Old?
You could try your local garages for some part time clean up, or a used car lot, most places need you to be 16 and are resrtricted on how many hours you can get. Ask your school counselor they may have papers to fill out to get permision to work. Also they may have a few good leads for you. Best bet is to ask everyone everywhere.
Automotive Jobs For 15 Year Old?
well u could try car shops i need a good job to does any one no of a job for a 15 year old if to let me no at thx
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autozone or NAPA or another place like that would be a great place to learn about cars and stuff, while making money. go down to your local NAPA or autozone and ask if they have any positions for you to start in. if they do, then great, if not, keep looking. good luck.
i don't know where you are from. even if you are 5,you can get an opportunity learn it in india, but now a days it has been classified as child labour so you do not get paid.even when get paid i doubt if would be enough to buy a spark plug,let alone a car
Wash cars
Detail (clean inside) cars
my little brother started work in nationwide autocentre at 15 he has been there a year and loves it go to your local garage and ask them if they want a newbie
Heeeeeyyyyy!!! Im 15 too but i wont be 16 till next year but email me when you find a job because i have that same problem. They only have automotive classes at the continuation highschool around here but im interested in cars, not Nedicine and all that stuff.
try working at an oil and lube place.
Check local car dealers.
y do u wnt to do a job.
by d way u can try for a sales executive.
you can apply for an OJT in any car dealer as an apprentice.
Try some shops in your area, we can hire 15 year olds here to change oil, then in years they can learn alot. Try some national chain shops in your area and see if they are hiring lube techs. Good luck
If you are really interested in working at AutoZone, go into the store and ask to speak to the manager. Explain you goals to him(her). The worst they can say is you are too young come back later, HOWEVER they may give you the chance. If it doesn't work out, try some used car lots. you may be able to start washing cars and work your way up and as you work there you may get a better deal on a car.
sounds rediculous, but how about a car wash. you do learn minor mechanics and stuff so try that.
w2ash cars in a repairshop fo spending money and lear by watching good mechs work on cars
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